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Growing Sweet Corn

Sweet corn is one of the most delicious vegetables that can be grown at home. It is a wonderful summertime treat and can be used in a lot of delicious dishes and recipes. We have compiled some of
our tried-and-true sweet corn growing tips below. Let us know if you have any questions!

Where To Grow Corn
When growing sweet corn in your vegetable garden, be sure you have plenty of room. Keep in mind that sweet corn grows very tall and the stalks can be somewhat wide.

Getting Your Plants in the Ground
Two to three seeds can be planted together, so plant them in bunches of two or three about 15 inches apart and in rows of about 36 inches apart. A healthy sweet corn stalk should produce about two ears per stalk.

It’s not recommended that you fertilize them right away, but rather wait until the plants have grown to be about 12 to 18 inches high, or around the beginning of the summer, whichever comes first.

Pull Weeds…Carefully
Be very conscious of weeds, but also be cautious when weeding not to harm the stalks, as they are very sensitive to any kind of damage.

There are three basic principles to growing delicious sweet corn:

  1. Adequate moisture - When you first plant your corn stalks, water them thoroughly. Water is key to the germination of this particular vegetable.
  2. Proper levels of nutrients - Sweet corn likes soil with nitrogen that is kept at a good moisture level. Adding in compost is an excellent idea when planting this vegetable.
  3. Harvest at their peak - In time, you will see the silk of your sweet corn coming out of the ears. About three weeks after the silk is spotted, the sweet corn should be ready for harvest. When you’re ready, pull the ear down toward the ground with a firm grasp and move it in a twisting motion. Immediately husk the corn and prepare it for eating, and you can always freeze what you don’t want to immediately enjoy.